
Questions, Questions, Questions ...

As I read over the last entry, I was actually pretty appalled by it. I never write that poorly. Blech.

But, other than the shoddy writing, I'm sure you probably have lots of questions, like what the hell is a Legion, Scholar or Vision? Well, my friends, you are in luck, because I have all those answers for you.

But in order to start all of that, I need to go back and explain the Guardians, the real origin of all three of the above mentioned titles.

The Guardians have been around since the beginning of mankind. As many have suspected, there are millions of dimensions. Our dimension is very susceptible to any type of disturbance, including inter-dimensional travel and just the sheer presence of something that doesn't belong here. The common terms for these creatures are demon and monster, but even angels are not allowed to enter into our realm without explicit instruction. Many phenomena and myths come from these beings coming into our dimension, such as vampires, ghosts and UFOs.

The Guardians, in a sense, are kind of like immigration control. They identify, locate and return these creatures and spirits to their own dimension, sometimes by force. The Guardians are split into three branches: Legion, Scholar and Vision, all three of which work together to maintain order and balance.

So in other words, I have a lot more explaining to do. Stay tuned for a brief intro to the Legion side of things.

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